Tansill Johnson
A Cup of Pretend
written by Tansill Johnson
illustrated by Susan Emery
When it’s too cold to play outside, a cup of pretend is just the thing to warm your heart and spirit! Join a little girl named Rainbow and her grandmother for an afternoon of make-believe. You’ll discover that a little imagination goes a long way, and that you’re never too old to be a kid at heart!
Mooma and the Mouse
Written by Tansill Johnson
Illustrated by Kate Johnson
A tiny visitor can be a BIG problem...
When Mooma goes downstairs one morning, what does she find? A mouse living in her house! Oh, what to do? Join Mooma and PaPa as they try to oust their clever little guest, who doesn't know he's not welcome!
Dressed to Smile
written by Tansill Johnson
illustrated by Andrea Pinter
What’s more important—dressing to impress or dressing to smile? Learn your colors and discover the magic of personal style as one independent little girl gets dressed for her first day of preschool!