Kathy Varner

Wacky on the Junk
written by Kathy Varner
In this hilarious debut memoir, Kathy Varner reflects on a life lived on the fringes of ordinary. From an awkward childhood as the youngest of five, living off sweets and processed foods, to a wild adolescence of drinking, drugs, and Deadhead hijinks, to a harrowing career with social services, Kathy takes it all in stride, embracing the beauty and pain of life with a sardonic wit and a sense of adventure that remains undampened—no matter how wacky things get!
“Kathy Varner’s freewheeling memoir Wacky on the Junk takes readers on an engaging and spirited journey fueled by sugar (and a few other substances) and told with heart. If you came of age in the era of Wonder Bread and the Grateful Dead, this book speaks your language—and if you, like Varner, feel you were airdropped on the Island of Life, Wacky On The Junk might just have some of the survival tools you need.”
— Anne Sofee, author of Snake Hips: Belly Dancing and How I Found True Love
“. . . an honest and candid account of a young woman’s coming of age. . . . Kathy shows just how positively one can turn a seemingly hopeless life around and become a more complete person, by pure depth of character or simply growing up and seeing the error of one’s ways. Thought-provoking and reflective. . . .”
—Matt McAvoy, author of Granjy’s Eyes, Kill the Witch!, Clouds, and The Black Line