Jack Lefcourt

An Evening Dream in Springtime: Memories of My Grandfather
written by Mika Matsuno
illustrated by Jack Lefcourt
Most Saturday nights, young Mika races to her grandfather’s house, where she finds him painting artful calligraphy. He chants strange words in a stirring voice, surrounded by a house filled with eccentric treasures. Mika later sifts through remembered moments as she pieces together a fuller appreciation of her grandfather. She recalls favorite passages from an ancient book, Grandfather’s collection of fine writing tools, and the red stamp marking his most distinguished art. Mika wonders how it would have sounded to hear her grandfather play the biwa. What else didn’t she know about this hardworking, dedicated, gentle man? Mika’s story invites us to wonder: Who were our grandparents? How will we hold them close when their house and most of their things are gone?