Emily Hurst Pritchett

The Ride of Molly Tynes: A Tale Passed Down
written by Mary Alice Barksdale and Donna Jessie Fogelsong
illustrated Emily Hurst Pritchett
When Molly Tynes learns of an impending attack on a neighboring town, she mounts her horse without hesitation, risking life and limb to warn and protect her community. Four mountains, rough trails, and wild animals stand between Molly and her journey’s end. Through this legendary tale of a courageous Civil War-era woman, the storytelling tradition of Southwest Virginia lives on.
“The Ride of Molly Tynes is a tale well remembered and very well told. . . . Molly’s story will inspire parents and children alike to be their very best selves and to face hard times with bravery and confidence.”
— Susan Weiner, author of Pirates and Spooks, Beware! and Before the Foundation of the World
“I wish my grandma could have had stories like this to tell me when I was a child—the story of one young woman’s selflessness, daring, and bravery. Molly Tynes is an inspiration not only for young girls but for us all.”
— Ted Lewin, author and illustrator of more than 170 books for children
Off to the Races with Mukha the Dingo
illustrated by Emily Hurst Pritchett
When a shy but curious dingo named Mukha becomes lost at a horse racing event, she’ll do anything to find her humans. Mukha’s adventure is full of twists and turns as she accidentally runs in a terrier race, unintentionally participates in a fancy hat contest, and inadvertently winds up on the racetrack during the main event! Mukha will delight attendees and surprise race officials, but will she find her humans?
The Day Sweetie Pie Died
illustrated by Emily Hurst Pritchett
Maggie loves attending school, where she and her friends get to play, collect nature treasures, and ride trikes together. Best of all, Maggie looks forward to hearing the class guinea pig, Sweetie Pie’s, daily greeting of “Whee, Whee, Whee, Whee, Whee, Whee, Wheat!” But today, Ms. Lamms has sad news for the class: Sweetie Pie has died, and they won’t be able to see her anymore. Alongside their grief and worries, Maggie and her classmates devise a plan to show their love for the best guinea pig ever!