Dennis Auth

Dennis Auth hails from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where teaching guitar and leading a rock band landed him in art school, inspiring instructors and fellow design students alike. He began freelancing after relocating as an ad-agency art director to Virginia Beach, where he illustrated in multiple media for projects ranging from children’s books to striking architecture. The Tidewater area is home to Dennis, his wife, and their grown children.
Remember This
written by Jenny Oates Riggs
illustrated by Dennis Auth
During this season of giving, love, and cheer, remember the reason for this special time of year.
Remember this...
When the clouds open for winter's first snowflake,
When children with new toys run off to play,
When the table is set and the cookies are baked,
Remember that Jesus was born on this day.
During this season of giving, love, and cheer, remember the reason for this special time of year.
Everyone loves the festive trappings and traditions of Christmas, but the holiday’s Christian elements can sometimes become lost amid the celebration. "Remember This" encourages children to look for Jesus’ example and teachings in the traditions and joyful moments of the holiday season.
illustrated by Dennis Auth
During this season of giving, love, and cheer, remember the reason for this special time of year.
Remember this...
When the clouds open for winter's first snowflake,
When children with new toys run off to play,
When the table is set and the cookies are baked,
Remember that Jesus was born on this day.
During this season of giving, love, and cheer, remember the reason for this special time of year.
Everyone loves the festive trappings and traditions of Christmas, but the holiday’s Christian elements can sometimes become lost amid the celebration. "Remember This" encourages children to look for Jesus’ example and teachings in the traditions and joyful moments of the holiday season.
John Marshall: Champion of Justice
written by Lynn Brackenridge and Barbara Schneider
illustrated by Dennis Auth
From his boyhood days on the Virginia frontier to his thirty-four years as chief justice of the United States, John Marshall was a person of intelligence, integrity, and vision. He was one of America’s Founding Fathers, and his leadership of the Supreme Court helped make the judiciary the powerful branch of government it is today. In this beautifully illustrated chapter book, you’ll get to know the man behind the historical figure. You’ll meet John Marshall the boy, soldier, husband, father, lawyer, congressman, community member, and chief justice. You’ll learn why John Marshall was beloved by those who knew him, and how he became a true Champion of Justice.