Nancy Hubbard Clark
Nancy Hubbard Clark, a native of Virginia’s Northern Neck, is a member of the Garden Club of the Northern Neck and has served as a docent at historic Christ Church for thirty-five years. She lives in Kilmarnock, Virginia.
Echoes in Ferryland
Echoes in Ferryland offers the rich perspective of a woman looking back at her life and describing history as she saw it unfold before her very eyes. Nancy Clark fondly reminisces about her childhood and memorable life spent in Virginia’s Northern Neck, a region of rivers that witnessed the rise and ultimate decline of the steamboat. Her story tells of a simpler life—and the “unabashed naïvete that came with it,” she writes—where there is a deep respect and honor for the past as well as the acceptance of inevitable change that comes with modernity. Join author Nancy Clark on her life journey through Virginia’s “Land of Pleasant Living.”