Cliff Davis

When Cliff Davis was about seven years old, a thoughtful school teacher encouraged him to write down a story he’d composed, about a horse who hated hay. That little book, handwritten, mimeographed, and laminated, was his first attempt to break into the world of literature.
“No parent, teacher – or anyone involved in a child’s life – should ever underestimate the impact of even the smallest gesture of encouragement,” he says.
Mr. Davis has been writing ever since. A 1996 graduate of Brigham Young University with a B.A. in journalism, he has been a newspaper reporter, recipient of several first place Virginia Press Association awards, and a school district public relations spokesperson.
Born in Cheyenne, Wyoming and raised on Air Force bases around the world, Mr. Davis now lives in Richmond, Virginia, with his wife, Anita; their Jack Russell-Chihuahua, Bunny; a cockatiel named Nina; a fish named Valentine – and more than 1,500 books he hopes someday to read.
To learn more about Cliff, follow him on Facebook.
“No parent, teacher – or anyone involved in a child’s life – should ever underestimate the impact of even the smallest gesture of encouragement,” he says.
Mr. Davis has been writing ever since. A 1996 graduate of Brigham Young University with a B.A. in journalism, he has been a newspaper reporter, recipient of several first place Virginia Press Association awards, and a school district public relations spokesperson.
Born in Cheyenne, Wyoming and raised on Air Force bases around the world, Mr. Davis now lives in Richmond, Virginia, with his wife, Anita; their Jack Russell-Chihuahua, Bunny; a cockatiel named Nina; a fish named Valentine – and more than 1,500 books he hopes someday to read.
To learn more about Cliff, follow him on Facebook.
A Chookamook Came Over for Breakfast
written by Cliff Davis
illustrated by Heidi Gibson
Lizzie Lewis hates breakfast. She’d rather eat candy and other sweet treats. But then Mama brings home a new box of cereal for Lizzie to try—magic cereal. With one bite, she finds herself shrunk down to a few inches high and entering the world of Breakfastland, where mountains are made of marshmallows and palaces are made of pancakes. There she meets the Chookamooks, tiny mouse-like creatures that help make breakfasts for the whole world. Can the Chookamooks teach Lizzie that breakfast isn’t so bad? Can she help save Breakfastland from the evil Dr. Darktooth?
To learn more about Cliff Davis and Heidi Gibson, click here.