Anita Dromey

Anita Dromey is a speech therapist with a lifelong interest in writing. Littlest Mano at Bedtime is her first published book, with a sequel in process containing more of Littlest Mano’s adventures. She won first place for poetry in the 2023 Idaho Writers' Guild annual writing contest, and her work has been seen in SVPN Magazine and other publications. Anita is fascinated by people, nature, and the flow of life on our little planet. Aside from work, she spends time practicing yoga, bicycling, or browsing through a bookstore.
Littlest Mano at Bedtime
$6.99 - $26.95
written by Anita Dromey
illustrated by Taranggana
The goats love to graze and play all day on the sunny hillside. But when it's time to trek to the cooler breezes of the seaside for their evening rest, Littlest Mano says he isn’t tired of playing yet! How will Mama Goat keep Littlest Mano with the group so they can all settle down together for the night?