Dave Bowles

Dave Bowles developed a love of birds while growing up in his rural home just outside Birmingham, Alabama. He also has a talent for writing, which was first noticed while a student at Jacksonville State University, where he wrote for the school newspaper for four years.
Upon graduation, Dave pursued a career as an Army aviator, retiring at the rank of lieutenant colonel. Dave’s fascination with birds has been a lifelong interest, as has his writing talents, which served him well throughout his military career and subsequent pursuits. As a certified life and leadership coach for a large industrial company, Dave has coached dozens of individuals through difficult challenges, further developing his insight into human behavior, and authored widely read leadership columns.
Dave and his wife Abby live on the Chesapeake Bay, where they enjoy watching birds and chasing their four grandkids.
Upon graduation, Dave pursued a career as an Army aviator, retiring at the rank of lieutenant colonel. Dave’s fascination with birds has been a lifelong interest, as has his writing talents, which served him well throughout his military career and subsequent pursuits. As a certified life and leadership coach for a large industrial company, Dave has coached dozens of individuals through difficult challenges, further developing his insight into human behavior, and authored widely read leadership columns.
Dave and his wife Abby live on the Chesapeake Bay, where they enjoy watching birds and chasing their four grandkids.
Mato's Journey
$4.99 - $14.95
written by Dave Bowles
illustrated by Elizabeth Lester
Mato knows he's supposed to be proud of being a mockingbird, but the loud, flashy blue jay and the other backyard birds taunt him for his dull gray feathers and his dreams of adventure. He wants to peck insects like the woodpecker, sip nectar like the hummingbird, or join the waxwings on their exciting trip to the faraway place. However, as Mato grows up, he begins to realize that colorful feathers aren't the only things that make a bird special.
Join Mato on his adventures in the backyard and beyond in a coming-of-age story that reveals the hidden lives of the birds right outside your back door.
illustrated by Elizabeth Lester
Mato knows he's supposed to be proud of being a mockingbird, but the loud, flashy blue jay and the other backyard birds taunt him for his dull gray feathers and his dreams of adventure. He wants to peck insects like the woodpecker, sip nectar like the hummingbird, or join the waxwings on their exciting trip to the faraway place. However, as Mato grows up, he begins to realize that colorful feathers aren't the only things that make a bird special.
Join Mato on his adventures in the backyard and beyond in a coming-of-age story that reveals the hidden lives of the birds right outside your back door.