Mysteries & Thrillers
Before White Night: Rescue from Jonestown
John Olsen hurries to rescue his daughter from the Jonestown Cult before it is too late.
by Joseph Hartmann
Bill Hausman, an American diplomat in Guyana, has scarcely heard of Jonestown, the religious “paradise” that has recently established itself deep in the Guyanese jungle. He knows very little about the Peoples Temple or their leader, Jim Jones, a passionate, pro-integrationist minister with a vision of a harmonious future for all God’s children—and dark personal demons that will twist that vision into a horrifying nightmare. Yet Bill quickly becomes acquainted with all these things when his world collides with that of John Olsen, an American businessman whose ex-wife has moved to Jonestown, taking their daughter, Katrina, with her. As rumors surface of hunger, beatings, manipulation, and other strange abuses within the closed cult settlement, John grows increasingly frantic to get Katrina out of there, before the cruelest of these rumors comes to fruition…before Jim Jones’ long-awaited White Night.
Set in the truth of history, with detail that comes from the author’s firsthand experience, Before White Night is a fictionalized account of courage at the threshold of one of the twentieth century’s most shocking and unsettling tragedies.
Smashwords ebook available here ($2.99)
Fish-Eye Lens
by Jody Rathgeb
When Cherry arrives on the island of East Taino as part of an ecological documentary film crew, she has two things on her mind: proving to her boss and male colleagues that she can handle anything they can throw at her; and figuring out what to do about her husband back home, whose notions of wifely duties have become increasingly stifling. Her job is to interview the women on the island to document how they drove out a seedy land developer named Benny Royston. Cherry delves right in—only to discover that the real story is far more complex than it appears. She quickly finds herself sucked into an insular world of booze, gossip, sex and religion—a world in which she might lose herself or find a sense of purpose and a place within the unlikely Taino sisterhood. If only she can stay out of trouble and root out the secrets no one’s telling her.
Smashwords ebook available here ($9.99)
The 3rd Option (Second Edition)
Allan Chappel enrolled in seminary to change the world, but people lied and people died, and he turned in his clerical collar for an office cubicle. Now, years later, the ghosts of his past are back to haunt him, and they’re uglier and more powerful than ever. When an old college friend invites him to apply for a job with a new medical think tank called Inc.Ubator and the office is destroyed in a fiery blast, Allan finds himself the target of an international manhunt as an Eric-Rudolf-style domestic terrorist and abortion clinic bomber. Forced into hiding, he sets out to find those responsible and clear his name. But his quest for answers only leads to more questions. What were the researchers at Inc.Ubator hiding? Who was willing to spill blood to keep their work a secret? Allan must stay alive long enough to uncover the truth. Unfortunately, the forces opposing him will stop at nothing to prevent the release of The 3rd Option.